I have been a Physician since 1994 and dedicated my time working within clinics, as a GP or Pediatrician.
Since 2011, I have dedicated my medical experience to researching the electromagnetic type biomarkers that help to classify
objectively the different neurodevelopmental disorders before the children arrive in their teenage years. I also seek therapeutic targets for the neuromodulation approach for the different neurological and mental pathologies
Academic Formation:
1.- Licensed in medicine and surgery in Medicine School of Valencia (Spain), September 1989 – August 1994.
2.- Specialist in Family & Community Medicine, June 1994 – September 1997.
3.- Magister Medicine School of Murcia (Spain), August 1996 – September 1998.
Research in biomedicine and biocatalysts.
4.- Neuroscience PhD, Medicine School of Murcia (Spain), May 2009 – May 2013.
“Electrophysiological subtypes of people diagnosed with Attention deficit Disorder (ADHD-ADD) with or without hyperactivity:
characteristics and psychophysiological and educational implications”.
Orcid no: 0000.0002.6524.6277